Monday, March 9, 2009

Hey, Chris again!

Took my kiddo to see "Coraline" on Saturday. Now, I can't accurately tell you much about the movie because we had a cute little couple in there who could not seem to SHUT UP! I don't think I liked it, though. It was pretty dark and twisted for a kids' movie, and if your child is sensitive to separation anxiety, you definitely do not want to sit them down in front of this one. There was also a really funny vibe with the voices and music, so much so that it distracted me and made me kind of uncomfortable. It was like the soundtrack was forgotten until the last second.

As for the two people in the theater who could not seem to find their theater voices, I actually found it hard to decide if I should say something because they were clearly mentally challenged. I did shush them twice, which I have never done in a movie before. But honestly, if they can be out without a para, shouldn't they be capable of understanding the rules? And on top of that, they were in luuuuv, so there was constant kiss-smacking noise. In a theater with a bunch of kids. Sheesh.

Prior to that, I went to see "Slumdog Millionaire" for a second time. The first viewing of this movie absolutely blew me away. I honestly did not know what the movie was about, and had only heard rave reviews, so I was willing to give it a go. The first viewing was in a small, probably 100-seat theater, and we were ram-jammed in there. The second viewing was after the Oscars, and lo and behold, it was moved to the Ultra screen, 500-seat theater, and there had to be at least 200 people in there. Still good the second time around! I think the message that honesty and honor can be found in all people is a great one, especially in these tough times.

Did you know that I am a closet Bollywood fan? Love those big production numbers, and the first time we saw it, we had to leave before the post-credit number (sadly, to see "Benjamin Button" -- bleh!). This time, though, we stuck around, and while it was a good number, it wasn't quite the big production I was hoping for. Where was Malik? Where were the kids?

And I know we are all eagerly awaiting Jenny's post on "Friday the 13th" and "Taken." Sadly, though, no movies for us this weekend as we are all booked up, so look for a new post in a couple of weeks.

Sunshine and Lollipops! Seacrest out...

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