Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DUDE! I can't believe I just created a blog.
Okay, so here's the scoop. Jenny, Whitney and I go to tons of flicks, and end up with some bizarre stories and loads of opinions. And people are always asking us what we liked, what they should see, etc. When the department newsletter was cancelled for lack of interest, we didn't have a place to put all this information for people to find, but now we're sticking it out on the web for you to enjoy at your leisure.
So this weekend, I took the kiddo to Frosty Flicks to see "Star Wars: the Clone Wars." If you've ever been to Frosty Flicks at Marcus, you know it's geared toward families, there are going to be tons of kids, at least 3 bags of popcorn will be spilled, and your chair will be kicked several times. I thought "Star Wars" would have fewer little kids, and just fewer people in general than, say, "Madagascar 2." It was down from 4 theaters to just the one, but there were still about 80 people, including some smaller kids. Directly in front of us were two dads with three little boys between them. The littlest one was attending his very first theater movie, and he did very well for a 2-year old, but I think the dads liked the movie more than the kids.
The movie didn't suck a whole lot, and it does set up the Cartoon Network series very nicely. It's funny that the cartoon Anakin was almost as wooden as Hayden Christensen. But the movie was not the story this weekend. The story is how bad the theater bungled this showing. First, the trailers started, SOOOPER loud, then stopped, then started again but with no sound and the slide show playing over them. Then the whole shebang stopped, we went back to the pre-commerical slide show, the trailers started again, and again the freaking slide show started playing over them. Lord, who was running the booth, the WINGMAN?!?!?! So, they finally get the thing going, and the lights stay in pre-trailer mode. Uh, dude, can we dim them a tad? No? Okay, guess I'll have to deal, but how distracting. With about 30 minutes to go, someone must have realized that the lights were still up.
Look, I know it's only $2.50 a seat, and I got a free popcorn out of the deal, but there are always loads of people in there, it's not like they're going to make a dime on an empty theater. Maybe they should have someone check the theater once in a while. I mean, minimum wage for sure, but they're all just standing around, right?
And directly behind me, old guy on his own (creepy at a kids' matinee!) starts breathing like Darth Vader. I think he had an oxygen tank or something.
So.... see it if you're a "Star Wars" fan, pass if you're not, because you'll just be annoyed anyway.
Love and lollipops, Chris